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Вино и высокая кухня. В Булошной состоялся авторский ужин для членов IWFS

18 апреля Леонид Гелибтерман, Председатель Московского (Национального) Отделения IWFS (Международного Общества любителей вина и высокой кухни), провёл гастрономический ужин для членов Общества и гостей в ресторанном доме "Булошная" на Житной.

Авторское дегустационное меню от Антона Сальникова, бренд-шефа ресторана, сопровождалось специально подобранными винами от Торгового дома "Арома" и компании "Driada Group", а также изысканными российскими сырами от сыроварни "Итальянские традиции". Украшением вечера стал пятилетний ставленый мёд из Суздаля, созданный одним из членов IWFS по старинному рецепту.

В ходе ужина, собравшего более 30 гостей, Леонид Гелибтерман вручил членские билеты и значки новым участникам Общества. Гости по достоинству оценили предложенные блюда и напитки, а дружественная атмосфера вечера стала идеальным аккомпанементом к новым гастрономическим впечатлениям истинных ценителей вина и высокой кухни.


On 18th of April Leonid Gelibterman, Chairman of Moscow (National) based Russian Branch of the IWFS (International Wine and Food Society) have carried out a gastronomic dinner for the members of Society and guests in the restaurant house "Buloshnaya" on Zhitnaya street.

The author's tasting menu by Anton Salnikov, the brand chef of the restaurant, was followed by the specially chosen wines from “Aroma” Trading house and the “Driada Group” company and also by exquisite Russian cheeses from “Italian Traditions” cheese dairy. The five-year aged mead from the city of Suzdal created by one of members of IWFS according to the ancient recipe became a special decoration of the evening.

During the dinner which has brought together more than 30 guests, Leonid Gelibterman has handed membership cards and badges to new participants of the Society. Guests have appreciated the offered dishes and drinks, and the friendly atmosphere of the evening became ideal accompaniment to new gastronomic impressions of true connoisseurs of wines and haute cuisine.

Additional materials:

International Wine & Food Society was created in 1933 in London. Today IWFS contains over 140 offices which are carrying out the activity more than in 40 countries of the world. Such celebrities as Michael Broadbent, Hugh Johnson, and Jancis Robinson were the Chairmen of the Society in different times.

Leonid Gelibterman, the President of the International Center of Wine and Gastronomy, is a Chairman of Moscow (National) based Russian Branch of the IWFS for more than 10 years. He is also a Chairman of the New Branches Subcommittee EAZ International Wine & Food Society.

The Members of the Society are the representatives of business, scientists and cultural figures from Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, London, Sevastopol, Suzdal and Togliatti who are "advanced" fans of alcoholic beverages and haute cuisine, a number of them are the owners of diplomas of WSET® of the second and third levels.

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